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Amsterdam, 9 August 2022 – SET Ventures, the Amsterdam-based venture capital firm focused on digital technologies for a carbon-free energy system, announced that Hayden Young has been hired as Head of Marketing.

Hayden (29) is the lead for all marketing-related activities at SET Ventures. SET has been a pioneer in the green energy and climate tech space since 2007 – boasting a strong record for backing transformative companies in these industries. As the Head of Marketing, Hayden helps promote that record to new impactful companies and investors looking to crack the transition to a carbon-free energy system.

After moving to the Netherlands from the US in 2017, Hayden became an active member in the Dutch startup ecosystem. At pre-seed VC Antler’s Amsterdam location, he helped to established Antler’s presence through their first three founder programs. Following this, he was responsible for product marketing at Electric Vehicle charging company Heliox, while continuing at Antler in an advisory role. He is also an active Mentor with Startupbootcamp and regularly assists companies in their sustainability-focused programs. With a strong background in communications, strategic marketing and branding he brings a thorough understanding of the full marketing stack to SET and extend support to the portfolio companies.

“As our sector evolves from early to mainstream, the need for robust marketing strategy has become clear. Hayden will help us spread the perspective of SET Ventures to new founders and investors through strong and consistent messaging. With this hire we aim to further our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to clean energy.” comments SET Ventures Managing Partner, Anton Arts.

“I am ready and excited to build on my career in venture capital.” says Hayden. “Working alongside an expert team to build companies that are solving the biggest problem we have ever known as a species is an incredible feeling.”

SET continues to build its platform as Europe’s leading independent energy venture capital investor. SET’s vision is that responsibly managing how energy is generated, distributed, and consumed has become essential for all of us. Game-changing business models and applications are key to unlocking a carbon-free energy system, not just science & engineering. Companies built on digital technologies and data have the greatest opportunity for value creation from this systemic change.